Sunday, November 25, 2007

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Despite what the title states above, we have neither a ribbon nor anything to cut it with. What we do finally have is a website (sorta). For those of you who don't know us, we are the Agents of Improv, a comedic improv group based out of the University of Connecticut since Fall '06. For a good long while we've attempted to update our website, but unfortunately we never had someone with the time/abilities to keep a website going. Taking inspiration from Wilhelm Comedy, another UConn based comedy group, we decided to dabble in the world of blogging.

So what can you expect to see in this blog? There will of course be Agents related news, ranging from upcoming shows to social events to our Urban Improvs (more on that to come). We'll also likely post news related to associated groups, improv resources, and likely our own musings on the world of comedy. I also have a love for photography, so don't be surprised if you see photos of us up here.

If you're interested in seeing us, we can all be easily contacted here or at We also have weekly meetings in UConn's Student Union, room 304 A 9:00-11:30 on Thursdays.

The six group officers will likely post often here. If you are an agents and would like to submit a post let one of us proof read it first and that should be that. Hope you all have fun and find a chance to relax with finals coming up.

All the best,
Jake Lucas
Social Chair
Agents of Improv